It was curiosity that drove me into signing Anastasia Suen’s #write5minutes writing group.
When all around the world writing groups are charging hundreds of dollars offering support, critique, and craft, how and what is the author and developmental editor Anastasia Suen offering the writing community for $5 a month? How does the system work?
At the beginning of every month, a new Google group connects you to a writing group. Anastasia asks the participants for their monthly writing goals.
She also mails a small e-book introducing one aspect related to writing children’s books. I found this tool useful. Written in simple language, this book decodes one building block of creating picture books. Examples from different genres help you understand the concept easily.
A critique session at the end of the month, groups the participants together.
Since all participants are part of several groups on social media, the chatter through emails is minimal. All you have to do is stick to your monthly goal.
There is a lot you can do in five minutes. Depending on your speed and writing style, you can create anything between 10-100 words in five minutes.
There are different phases in a writer’s life. Some days, you need a community to go forth. Some days, you need solitude to be with your thoughts and writing. At the moment, #write5minutes works well for me.
Anastasia’s #write5minutes system is not only for aspiring and beginning writers of picture books but also any intermediate writer who has moved onto writing middle grade and young adult fiction, and wishes to get back to creating 50–500-word pieces for children.
We don’t know if something will fit us unless we try it. To find out if #write5minutes is for you, check out Five dollars is a low-risk proposition.
PS: If you are an aspiring or new writer who is not ready for #write5minutes, you can still benefit from Anastasia’s monthly writing lesson. You can buy a chapter at the end of the page :