Jayshree Murali(Vidya, Mumbai) and book distributor Samir Kapadia collaborated to bring the joy of stories and books to another school in Navi Mumbai. The students of Vidyadhiraja high school were the chosen ones.
Located on the salt pans of Bhandup, the school hosted its inaugural two day litfest on 12th and 13th March,2019. Under the able of guidance of director Ms Jayshree Raveendran, the school hosted its first literary festival where the teachers and parents took great efforts in making the event a big success.
I was assigned class 8. It is with great trepedition that I entered the class. Teenagers are highly unpredictable. You never knows what appeals to them until the D-Day. The kids too didn’t know what to expect. They were interacting with an author for the first time.I had prepared a total of four stories, which included two interactive musical stories.
It took a while for the kids to warm up to me. By the time I started narrating the musical stories, they shed their inhibitions and sang with a guitar, a drum, a shaker, a pair of cymbals for company. The session caused a lot of hullaballoo. The teachers from the neighbouring classes stopped teaching and checked what we were up to. At the end of the one hour session, the kids were hankering for more.
I returned home with happy memories. It takes little to make children happy. All we need is to invest a little time and effort.